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Timothy is a Researcher in Deceive Inc., along with his coworker Susan. As a TechnicianTechnician, he is exclusively found inside the Vault.

Security Clearance

With TechnicianTechnician Clearance, Timothy can access StaffStaff, GuardGuard, and TechnicianTechnician rooms. In addition, he will Scold anyone who enters one of these rooms with insufficient Clearance.


Like Susan, Timothy is exclusively found within the Vault, where he is found researching for the VIP of the Operation. Here, he will wander around and interact with Social Interactions. He will be primarily found in TechnicianTechnician rooms, and occasionally GuardGuard rooms within the Vault.

If Susan encounters someone with insufficient Security Clearance while in a StaffStaff, GuardGuard, or TechnicianTechnician room, he will attempt to Scold them.

Should combat occur near him, Timothy will either run away from the fight or Cower.

Like all Technicians, Timothy is capable of Reviving unconscious NPCs.

Like all Technicians, Timothy will not open Drawers under normal circumstances.


In love with Susan, but too shy to tell her.

Civilians AnnCurtisErnestGinaMoniqueOliviaPeterRonald
StaffStaff CarlosWendy
GuardGuard AmberDouglas
Elite GuardElite Guard Elite AmberElite Douglas
TechnicianTechnician SusanTimothy
VIPVIP HazenJati Bin TehLuana Cacilias-PérezNilfrid Evensen (Angelfish)Rebekka Evensen (Starling)Sebastian Garcia