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This template is a variant of Template:WeaponData for use with Hans.


Parameter Name Parameter Type Required? Parameter Description
name string The weapon's name as it appears in-game.
subtitle string The subtitle that appears below the weapon's name as it appears in-game.
icon filename The file name for the weapon's icon. "File:" should be excluded (e.g. "Weapon Chavez Sentinel Icon.png" as opposed to "File:Weapon Chavez Sentinel Icon.png").
spray_pattern filename The file name for the weapon's spray pattern map. "File:" should be excluded (e.g. "SprayPattern Hans W1.png" as opposed to "File:SprayPattern Hans W1.png").
desc string The description that appears below the weapon's icon.
damage_hipfire number The amount of damage this weapon in hip-fire. Note that this number should equal the amount of damage dealt assuming all pellets hit.
damage_per_pellet number The amount of damage this weapon does per-pellet. If this number is a long decimal, truncate it to 1 decimal place and use a ~ to indicate approximation.
ads_headshot number The damage multiplier for a weapon headshot in ADS as a decimal. Do not include the x. Hans shotguns (at the time of writing) do not have non-ADS headshots.
mag_size number The number of shots the weapon has in its magazine.
starting_ammo number The amount of ammo the Agent starts with when using this weapon.
reload_speed number The number of seconds it takes to reload this weapon, with a decimal.
rof number The number of shots this weapon can fire per second, with a decimal.