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I do get to keep whatever I find, right?”

PERSONALITY EVALUATION: Charming, suave and always dapper, Larcin has been known to pull off the most daring of heists, seemingly with no thought to how to unload his ill-gotten gains. It has been suggested that his true love isn’t the monetary gains, but that the chase and the showmanship is what motivates this smooth operator.

BACKGROUND: Hailing from Marseilles, France, Larcin’s reputation for being two steps ahead precedes him. No security system, nor detectives have been able to foil his audacious escapes. He even managed to steal an entire sailing ship from inside a museum, so he could sail it around the world in style. To this day, nobody knows how he achieved such burglary. The ship’s current location: Unknown

FILE UPDATE: There are rumors that Agent Cavalière has a history with the gentleman thief.

My skills are in high demand. Understandable.”

WEAPON: Le Silence

Custom-engraved and tailor-made to suit Larcin’s peculiar needs, Le Silence are designed to be fired and be disposed of when emptied. More than one rival has been taken out by being on the receiving end of an elegantly tossed semi-automatic pocket pistol . Known for their high rate of fire, Le Silence proves to be a danger at close quarters, which is exactly where you will find Larcin.

AGENT PASSIVE: Merci Beaucoup

Larcin’s fast hands are one of his most valuable tools, as he moves about the room pilfering the pockets of his rivals for anything he needs, such as key cards, upgrades and even the mission objective.


You can’t stop what you can’t see, and Larcin is a master of disappearing right out from under grasping hands. With his patented smoke bombs, he uses the opportunities presented to either make a getaway, or set up his re-entry into the fray.

When rival agents see signs that Larcin is about, they better double check their pockets for valuables, as Larcin is already on his way to extract the premises with everything that caught his eye. Don’t believe he can do it? All the more reason for him to try!
