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This template is used to display weapon data on Agent pages.

Note that some agents have special stats that require unique WeaponData entries. Those can be found below.


Parameter Name Parameter Type Required? Parameter Description
name string The weapon's name as it appears in-game.
subtitle string The subtitle that appears below the weapon's name as it appears in-game.
icon filename The file name for the weapon's icon. "File:" should be excluded (e.g. "Weapon Chavez Sentinel Icon.png" as opposed to "File:Weapon Chavez Sentinel Icon.png").
desc string The description that appears below the weapon's icon.
damage number The amount of damage this weapon does per-bullet as a decimal. Multi-shot weapons like Cadence should be formatted as damage x number of shots, e.g. 10.0 (x2).
headshot number The damage multiplier for a weapon headshot as a decimal. Do not include the x.
mag_size number The number of shots the weapon has in its magazine.
starting_ammo number The amount of ammo the Agent starts with when using this weapon.
reload_speed number The number of seconds it takes to reload this weapon, with a decimal.
rof number The number of shots this weapon can fire per second, with a decimal.

Agent-Specific Variants

Agent Template
Hans Template:WeaponData/Hans
Larcin Template:WeaponData/Larcin
Octo Template:WeaponData/Octo
Sasori Template:WeaponData/Sasori
Yu-Mi Template:WeaponData/Yumi

Additionally, one has been made for generic shotguns (like Red's): Template:WeaponData/Shotgun