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Revision as of 19:32, 12 September 2023 by LunarEcklipse (talk | contribs) (Added expertise and passive descriptions.)
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“No matter how far, I’ll hit my mark”
— Ace

A sharp-eyed mercenary, Ace's unique skills have made her one of Deceive Inc's pillars. She tracks her rivals without fail. Believe us, once you figure out you are her target, it's already too late.

Agent Brief

PERSONALITY EVALUATION: Military-trained, Agent Ace has been documented as a natural leader, a true shot, and an expert with her weapon of choice, however it would be important to note that a past of broken trust and compromised missions has left her shaken with a determination to prove herself.

When working on the field, it has been noted that Ace may come off as blunt, stubborn, and a bit of a cold shoulder. However, none have ever said they would not put their lives in her hands, as she comes prepared to get the job done well.

FILE UPDATE: One of our first recruited agents when the collapse of the espionage agencies happened, partially due to a mission that didn’t end quite as well as it could have that Ace was involved with.

BACKGROUND: Before enlisting with Deceive Inc., Ace had founded her own espionage corporation called “ACES”. After a turbulent disbanding, “Tamar Zaken” decided to keep the callsign “Ace”, and was recruited into Deceive Inc. by another agent while out on the field.

They never see me coming…”

WEAPON: Bolt Action Sniper Rifle AKA ‘Queen of Diamond’

A force to be reckoned with at range, Ace is a relentless huntress, known to mark targets and track them down to be neutralized.

Her weapon of choice, the Queen of Diamonds is a bolt action sniper rifle. Equipped with a scope, Ace is able to perceive possible threats at a distance, and with a cover, able to take aim in plain sight. Ace is best from vantage points of great height, but sometimes close calls call for even closer, in person measures.

AGENT PASSIVE: Diamond’s Bet

While using her scope, Agent Ace is able to hone in her shot with much more accuracy and in turn, deals more damage. Likely a benefit of Ace studying the details through her scope.


Agent Ace has mastered the art of perception and uses her keen senses to spy those who aren’t what they seem. With her natural ability, she is able to track the steps of possible competitor agents that have been marked by a scoped sniper shot, and use this to her advantage to either follow her mark or take them out.

Other agents should watch their angles, because Ace already has them marked.

Game Data


All of Ace's weapons can be charged by aiming. When fully charged, her shots apply additional effects depending on Ace's selected Passive.

Queen of Diamond
Sniper Rifle
Charges passive when in ADS.
Damage Mag Size Reload Speed (Seconds) Rate of Fire (Shots per Second)
32.0 5 2.5 0.9
Damage Hit Multiplier
Low Body Shot Head Shot
x0.75 x2.0
Jack of Diamond
Reflex Sight Carbine
Charges passive when in ADS.
Damage Mag Size Reload Speed (Seconds) Rate of Fire (Shots per Second)
20.0 8 2.0 1.35
Damage Hit Multiplier
Low Body Shot Head Shot
x0.75 x1.5
King of Diamond
Single-Shot Bolt Action Rifle
Charges passive when in ADS.
Damage Mag Size Reload Speed (Seconds) Rate of Fire (Shots per Second)
46.0 1 2.1 0.75
Damage Hit Multiplier
Low Body Shot Head Shot
x0.75 x1.75


Ace's Expertise abilities revolve around being able to track and eliminate her targets from long distances.

Queen's Gaze
  • Ace instantly starts hunting the last hit rival or the currently scoped target.
  • Hunted targets leave a trail to their current location.
Ability Statistics
Duration (Seconds) Cancel Delay (Seconds) Last Target Activation Window (Seconds)
25.0 1.5 30.0
Stacked Odds
  • Ace instantly applies VulnerableVulnerable to the last hit rival or the currently scoped target.
  • VulnerableVulnerable rivals are only visible in the line of sight.
Ability Statistics
Duration (Seconds) Cancel Delay (Seconds) Last Target Activation Window (Seconds) Damage Multiplier
15.0 1.5 30.0 x1.25
Big Blind
  • Ace enters a Stance to designate a Zone.
  • Anyone inside the Zone is visible from anywhere to Ace and her Allies.
  • Cancel by either pressing the Expertise button during the Stance or when the Zone is active.
Ability Statistics
Duration (Seconds) Cancel Delay (Seconds)
12.5 0.0


Ace's Passive abilities allow her to deal additional damage and apply Status Effects to her targets when hitting them with fully Charged shots from her weapons.

Diamond's Bet
  • Ace Charges her next shot while aiming down the sights.
  • Charged shots deals bonus damage to the target.
  • Charged shots applies ExposedExposed to rivals.
Ability Statistics
Weapon Charge Time (Seconds) ExposedExposed Duration (Seconds) Charged Shot Damage Multiplier
1.15 20.0 x1.25
Crippling Shot
  • Ace Charges her next shot while aiming down the sights.
  • Charged shots deals bonus damage to the target.
  • Charged shots applies SlowedSlowed to rivals.
Ability Statistics
Weapon Charge Time (Seconds) SlowedSlowed Duration (Seconds) Charged Shot Damage Multiplier
1.15 7.0 x1.25

Neutralizing Shot
  • Ace Charges her next shot while aiming down the sights.
  • Charged shots deals bonus damage to the target.
  • Charged shots applies NeutralizedNeutralized to rivals.
Ability Statistics
Weapon Charge Time (Seconds) NeutralizedNeutralized Duration (Seconds) Charged Shot Damage Multiplier
1.15 12.0 x1.25


AceChavezCavalièreHansLarcinMadame XiuOctoRedSasoriSquireVigilYu-Mi