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Revision as of 23:33, 12 September 2023 by LunarEcklipse (talk | contribs) (Added weapons and a bunch of notes to form passives and expertise with.)
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“Can’t beat experience, apparently”
— Chavez

A true legend of the spy world, Chavez uses his strength and kind heart to fight the good fight. He's supposed to be retired by now, but he's back for one last mission... or so he says.

Agent Brief

PERSONALITY EVALUATION: The most experienced agent in the field, he’s always one foot out the door and ready to retire, he can’t seem to stop himself from taking on ‘one last mission’. Rough, tough and with a heart of gold, he’s alway ready to protect his fellow agents, at least those he respects.

FILE UPDATE: Even though he was teaming up with top-of-the-line agents Ace and Knight, Chavez’ last mission went sideways: Operation Siege was a complete fiasco that led to a world-shaking debacle. However, Chavez didn't let this failure get to him as he appears more resolved than ever to make things right, once and for all. As one might expect, he's set on wanting to leave a better world for his daughters.

BACKGROUND: As an ex secret service agent, Chavez has a deep history of field work, and the stories to go with it. This family man has reached the peak of his career and seems ready to step out of the game, but the mystery of Knight’s disappearance, his love for “the great game”, and perhaps other secrets are holding him back from walking away... for the last time.

One last time IRIS, I swear”

WEAPON: Sentinel

Chavez likes it “old school” and he’s carried around his revolver, Sentinel, for just about as long as he’s been in the field.

Sentinel may not have the ammo count of more modern weaponry, but it packs a punch in the right hands, and rivals that find themselves on the wrong side of his barrel, are in for some tough luck.


Thanks to years of experience, after returning to cover, Chavez knows how to get himself back into a more healthy state. This can come as a surprise to rivals who track him down after he’s fended another off.


When the situation gets too hot, Chavez is in his element. Appearing to shrug off rival damage, he can use this opportunity to make the right calls in how he wants to engage the situation. Time has shown that usually puts others within perfect range of Sentinel, and then they won’t be a problem for very long.

Rival agents should beware, this is Chavez’s ‘last mission’ and he won’t let them stand in his way.

Game Data


Chavez's selection of revolvers reward accuracy with their high damage and low fire rate.

Standard Revolver
Damage Mag Size Starting Ammo Reload Speed (Seconds) Rate of Fire (Shots per Second)
25.0 6 12 2.35 1.3
Damage Hit Multiplier
Low Body Shot Head Shot
x0.75 x1.75
Short Barrel Revolver
Damage Mag Size Starting Ammo Reload Speed (Seconds) Rate of Fire (Shots per Second)
18.0 6 12 1.65 2.3
Damage Hit Multiplier
Low Body Shot Head Shot
x0.9 x1.5
Long Barrel Revolver
Damage Mag Size Starting Ammo Reload Speed (Seconds) Rate of Fire (Shots per Second)
35.0 6 6 3.1 0.75
Damage Hit Multiplier
Low Body Shot Head Shot
x0.75 x2.0


Chavez's Expertise abilities revolve around making him and his teammates ResistantResistant or even InvulnerableInvulnerable.


Chavez's Passive abilities help him rapidly recover during and after fights.


AceChavezCavalièreHansLarcinMadame XiuOctoRedSasoriSquireVigilYu-Mi